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UX/UI tablet app design

An educational platform for the visually impaired population

MathMusic is an innovative educational platform that uniquely opens pathways to STEM fields for the visually impaired, fostering their inclusion in education and the job market.

MathMusic employs a sensory substitution method, transforming visual information into sound. This unique, IP-protected approach combines AI and OCR to analyze graphs and their components—text and shapes. Tested with individuals who are fully blind from birth, this technology enables them to solve real graph problems through sound after just a short practice period.

This project was developed in collaboration with Renewsenses, a pioneering spin-off from the Hebrew University dedicated to implementing this groundbreaking technology into community-focused products.

Comparative Research

The essence of the platforms examined comes down to providing a blank canvas to be modeled by the users as a clay in the hands of a potter. These platforms, such as Notion, Wix, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma, provide basic building blocks that enable users to customize their files according to their unique purposes and needs

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My goal was to provide innovative technology to visually impaired individuals, empowering them to autonomously gather and organize information. While the technology aids their learning, my UX design aims to enhance its benefits and bridge gaps in regular classroom settings. The purpose is to create an easy-to-use, accessible interface that minimizes time and effort, facilitating their integration into regular classrooms, as demonstrated below.

Digital Notebook

Notebook's basic building blocks
Add text
Embed a file
Embed a scan

The users will be able to create files consisted with pages, in which they can write on a blank canvas using building blocks to construct them according to their needs. This will allow the users to master the content by being able to write summaries, embed files, and scans into these pages, in the order they would like to create. Moreover, the screen reader will be able to translate all different types and levels of information, in text and shapes, order and apearance, and transmits it to the user. 

Embeded notebook page

Cultivating a Community

Community selection
Student sign in

This educational app is designed for three communities that revolve around the sight limitation condition - The students, teachers and caregivers. Each of these types of users face different challnages and links them. This link is the base for sharing files between users from around the world, enriching them with educational material and can expand on emotinal grounds.

The system is ought to be easy to use and navigate. This type of information architecture will allow the users to understand how any given page or file relates to other sections and navigate it intuitively, without straining their vision to do so.

The simplicity of the information structure positions the user at max' two taps away from all sections of the system.

Flat Information Architecture

Explore files
My files
Expression math tool

Minimal hand gestures

Lightened Cognitive Load

Lightened cognitive load

The main functionalities will be put in the corners of the screen to enable the users to go through with their fingers on the screen surface and to know where to expect the functionalities to be, without the need to actualy see.

The operational objects for this technology, the Play button and the Tool box, will only appear on the screen when the system detects graphs and their building blocks - text and shapes that can be transmitted to sound, making the usage clear for the users. 

Profile setting
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Corresponding with the Client's company logo, MathMusic's logo represents the sensory substitution reflected in the changing line consistency.

Due to the nature of the app the design is subjected to Google's WCAG. Furthermore, as an educational app, I wanted to make it friendly looking, with solid colors and approachable shapes and font.

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Site map

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