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Creating a new Information Architecture for Archive Item Pages

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UX/UI responsive web design for NLI | The availability of the digital file

About NLI

The National Library of Israel (NLI) is the leading institution dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich knowledge, heritage, and culture of Israel and Jewish history. As part of its ongoing efforts to fulfill this mission, NLI is upgrading its services to provide extensive online databases and resources. Currently, the library is spearheading a major project to digitize vast portions of its archives, including manuscripts, books, and historical documents.

The Challenege

The biggest pain point that was revealed through user research was detected when users land on an archive item page and struggle to locate the digital item, leading them to confusion about its absence and the available actions to obtain the file.

The Objective

To enhance user clarity regarding the accessibility of the digital item.

The aim was to guide users to effortlessly discern where to access the digital form of the item if it's available for use. If the digital file is unavailable,  the goal was for users to be informed about the reason and to become empowered with actionable steps to potentially increase the degree of availability of the item.

Stakeholders and Users

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 Managing level

Costumer service dept

 Archive dept

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Partner institutions

Institutions that make digital files accessible through NLI

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End users


General audience 

Team and Work Enviourment

Project manager

UX UI designer


System analyst

Head of Digital Product

Interest parties

Managing level

The Process

We've charted all potential user journeys leading to the encountered pain point.

Our analysis has identified a convergence of two key aspects contributing to this issue: the type of record, as per ICA standards, and the availability degree.

Instead of an empty grey placeholder that represented inavailabilty uninomously in all the records, we decided to inform the user regarding each case of availability differently. 

Record Type

Logical Records

 Conceptual unit of a data collection

Digital Records

Record in a tangible form

Archive record

Series record

Availability Degree

Legal prevention

Available in NLI residency

Reasons for inavailability

Unavailable digitally

Available digital file

Singular occurrence of an available digital record 

Comparative Research

We conducted an analysis of how other official data-collecting institutions communicate to users the location of digital files, reasons for unavailability, and available courses of action.

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The national library Australia logo_edit
The national archive logo_edited.png

New Information Architecture

We opted to integrate various elements identified during our comparative research, leading to the development of a brand-new structure.
This structure will be consistently featured above the fold on all archive item pages.

Hover over the element name for more details:

Archive item page: Unavilable diital record


We've introduced this feature, aimed at aiding users in comprehending the ordering narrative and contextualizing the record. This addition serves to enhance user orientation within the archival structure for accessing related information. Each particle is accompanied by an icon, providing clarity on whether a digital file is to be expected on the page.


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We added this element of fundamental data to the item page, irrespective of availability.

We introduced this summary feature to ensure users can still derive value from the page even when the digital item is unavailable.



When the digital file is unavailable, the placeholder specifies the availability level, reason for limitation, and user actions. We've replaced generic grey boxes with tailored text and icons indicating the type of record, offering clarity on unavailability reasons. This provides enhanced information on accessibility levels. Plus, complementary CTAs reduce frustration.

Revised placeholder

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