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Looking for a Place

UX/UI mobile app design

A connecting rental apartment platform

Anyone who has tried knows how challenging it can be to find a rental in Tel Aviv's competitive apartment market.

During the Product Lunge, I developed a platform that connects renters with users who list apartments for rent. In Israel's most competitive market, this app's advantages stand out. 

Comparative Research

User reviews indicated that the primary sources of disappointment were the limited selection, inadequate filtering system, and overall app functionality. Conversely, using popular Facebook groups involves hours of scrolling through posts that are:

  • Listed in random order

  • Varied due to freeform content

  • Easily lost amidst the back-and-forth between Facebook and Messenger, as well as within the Messenger inbox

  • Displaying the identity of the person listing the post


My goal was to combine the benefits of Facebook groups with app functionality and filtering, offering:

  • Easy access and straightforward filtering options

  • Personalized results

  • Reduced user workload

  • Unified information format

  • Organized data emphasizing key features

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Easy Scan

Full post
Full post scroll down
Browse results

The core features are emphasized for easy scanning and readability. By presenting information consistently, users can effectively compare listings, saving both time and energy.

Users are more likely to engage with others who appear genuine. In a country where everyone feels interconnected, mutual friends become a valuable asset.


Sign up with email
Individual chat
Sign up

Enabling users to add a profile picture and connect their Facebook account makes interactions more approachable and familiar, ensuring messages reach their intended recipients.

To avoid overwhelming users, I designed a filter wizard in a card format instead of a scroll-down display. This approach lets users manage their level of engagement without feeling pressured by the effort required.

Additionally, users are initially directed to a visual map to select a location upon entering the app. Location selection is the only mandatory step required to begin a search.

To prevent users from abandoning the app due to the required effort, the mandatory registration process is deferred until they initiate contact with other users.

Lightened Cognitive Load

Filter& Sort
Thank you for joining
Proprety type selection

Personalized Results

Feaure info

Easy access and straightforward filtering options enable users to arrange information based on their preferences, offering a sense of autonomy during this stressful journey. Personalized results, combined with their preferred listing order, help users avoid feeling overwhelmed by the volume of information.

The design targets the millenials with a logo that is made of two simple geometric shapes in orange and purple that combine to form a new shape. It boasts a modern and light design with friendly colors and simple, flat elements. This union symbolizes bringing together users searching for a place and those listing one, creating a new rental deal.

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Site Map

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